Having shared experiences can quickly turn acquaintances into fast friends and one good way of fostering such relations is by injecting some creative games into a group dining experience.

So when hosting a social sit-down event where guests are meeting each other in a setting different from usual work or other formal interactions, have some icebreaker-type activity to swiftly stir up the fun.

A good example would be to have various cocktail mixing instruction cards for guests to concoct drinks for each other, ensuring mutual exchanges which could kickstart more meaningful conversations and also friendly taste comparisons.

Start with the basics to cater for those who’d rather have non-alcoholic beverages and these can be set out as separate spread so guests can pick out various ingredients according to the cocktail menu cards – experimentation is highly encouraged!

Juices – apple, lime, orange, etc – and sodas may seem like standard fare, but expand the variety to include choices like chilled plain coffee, tea, milk, honey, ginger, mint and more. And make sure you have garnishings ready – from cut fresh fruit like pineapple, mango, watermelon, strawberries and more to cute tiny parasols, thyme or mint leaves.

Having a separate spread for alcoholic choices allows for liqueurs to complement the usual beers, wines and stronger inebriants – where highlights would ideally be Moet champagnes, Glenmorangie single malt whiskies and Hennessy VSOP cognac.

Encourage guests to have their drinks stirred, not shaken, for simpler concocting and let everyone be surprised by the creativity unleashed when more adventurous guests come up with unique blends.

Take this competitive spirit a notch higher by having prizes and this can even become ad hoc entertainment as several can be invited to outshine Tom Cruise’s smooth drink mixing moves as seen in the move “Cocktail”.

And as host, it will be good to have you own ace mix ready to wow all present, and here’s a cool, smoky and zesty libation, also known as a Hennessy Woody Fashioned:

  • 5 cl Hennessy VS
  • 2 cl “homemade” wood syrup
  • Add large ice cube, stir with mixing spoon
  • Garnish with twist of lemon zest

For the “homemade” wood syrup:

  • Toast ½ tablespoon of applewood chips in pan
  • Add 600ml of water and heat to 55°C
  • Add 400g caster sugar
  • Dissolve sugar in water
  • Chill for 24 hrs
  • Filter and serve

There’s a saying that you haven’t lived till you’ve experienced the rich, smooth full-bodied blend of a Hennessy. Casual or mixed up, however you enjoy your VSOP, nothing beats pouring yourself a cool, smoky, zesty finish to the week with a Hennessy Woody Fashioned.

There’s another saying that if you’re looking to fire up your Friday night soiree make sure you’re with the right company. And what better company could you ask for than the timeless blend that is Hennessy to make your dinner party experience that much more memorable.