Attention all whisky lovers!

The Good Stuff invites you to a night of delicious drinks, endless fun, and also… more drinks! Come chill with us on a delightful night out in Taman Tun as we sip and savour rare whiskies that’ll make your friends turn green with envy…
What We’ll Be Drinking:

The Single Cask (TSC) has blessed us with an elegant and varied array of mouth-watering whisky expressions for us to indulge in.
What’s The Single Cask? TSC are whisky-makers who specialise in single malt whiskies.
What can you expect? Well, to quote their Facebook page:

“Unique spirits bottled one cask at a time”.
The Single Cask
I would break down how these whiskies taste but who likes spoilers to a movie right? We don’t even have these on our shop page… YET – so please, help us find out which bottles we should start selling 🙂

Oh did I mention there’s also gonna be some UISGE source water to splash and dash our spirits with (if needed).

You’re probably thinking who cares about water? Well a lotta people, and frankly – so do we!
So what are you waiting for?
Get Your Ticket Now!

As shown above, each ticket (RM150/pax) includes:
– 3x Canapes (oo fancy!)
– 4x Whisky Tasting
– UIGCSE source water tasting (optional)
– Special price for bottle purchase (just for the night)
Hit us up on our Facebook, IG, or just shoot us a message on our website for more info!
In the meantime…
Here’s some TLC from TSC
*Click on the bottle names to shop*




Or have a look through our shop page and see if you find something you like 😉